Team D.R.E.A.M. Big
Author: Cassie Benzinger
Work Readiness
Saturday, 20 Aug 2016

Image caption: Dream Big
Team:?D.R.E.A.M. BigLocation:?Junior Achievement of Georgia- Atlanta DistrictTurning Obstacles into Growth and Success:?This team had to overcome strong personalities. Overtime, these varied personalities became the driving force for the company to succeed. This obstacle positioned the student company president to exemplify outstanding leadership abilities.Innovative Products:?This experience has taught the team skills in time management, teamwork, communication and leadership. The experience significantly inspired students to explore careers in business at a deeper level.Getting to Know the Teams:?Although both of the groups? products were successful in bringing in profits, the team desired to allow the dream catchers to serve as an accessory to promote happy dreams and ultimately granting the wishes of severely ill children through the teams charity, Make-A-Wish Foundation.Meet?Ashley Nowak representing D.R.E.A.M. Big from Atlanta! <>
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